скачайте этот образ и запишите на флешку. загрузитесь с нее и восстановите загрузчик. как только загрузились в свою систему — выполните в терминале sudo grub-update
смысл? все работало нормально. архивы открывались, неважно кириллица там была или латинница. прилетело обновление на гигабайт и вроде поставилось без ошибок, все работает. но обнаруживаются потом бяки. например начали жутко тормозить приложения для которых я создал ярлыки запуска через zensu (чтобы из-под root работали), типа Bleachbit и DoubleCommander. Сейчас они открываются с 10-15 секундным запозданием. в смысле работают они с такой же скоростью, но пауза эта после того как я нажал на запуск и временем когда приложение наконец запустилось — подбешивает.
yay: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.13: cannot
похоже на частичные обновления
~ cat /etc/pacman.conf ✔
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths. RootDir = / DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/ CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc manjaro-system
# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
SyncFirst = manjaro-system archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -L -C — -f -o %o %u XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
Architecture = auto
# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Manjaro Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro`.
# — can be defined here or included from another file
# — pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# — local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# — repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# — URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# — URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial — it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#[custom] SigLevel = Optional TrustAll Server = file:///home/custompkgs
~ ✔
для сравнения пробуем еще sudo pacman -Syyu ошибки показывать текстом
b@b-systemproductname ~]$ sudo yay -Syu
[sudo] пароль для b:
yay: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
pacman -Qs zsh ✔
local/manjaro-zsh-config 0.20-3
Zsh configuration for manjaro
local/pamac-cli 10.2.2-5
A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support
local/zsh 5.8-1
A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX
local/zsh-autosuggestions 0.7.0-1
Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
local/zsh-completions 0.33.0-1
Additional completion definitions for Zsh
local/zsh-history-substring-search 1.0.2-1
ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow)
local/zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.7.1-1
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
local/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k 1.15.0+66+g3e515a7-1
Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh. It emphasizes speed, flexibility and out-of-the-box experience.
для сравнения
сделал все, что вы сказали. Нет изменений, все так, как и было изначалььно
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
RootDir = /
DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc manjaro-system
# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
SyncFirst = manjaro-system archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring
XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -L -C — -f -o %o %u
XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
Architecture = auto
IgnorePkg =
IgnorePkg =
IgnoreGroup =
NoUpgrade =
NoExtract =
# Misc options
ParallelDownloads = 5
# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Manjaro Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro`.
# — can be defined here or included from another file
# — pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# — local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# — repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# — URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# — URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial — it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = file:///home/custompkgs
~ ✔
local/manjaro-zsh-config 0.20-3
Zsh configuration for manjaro
local/pamac-cli 10.2.2-5
A Package Manager based on libalpm with AUR and Appstream support
local/zsh 5.8-1
A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX
local/zsh-autosuggestions 0.7.0-1
Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh
local/zsh-completions 0.33.0-1
Additional completion definitions for Zsh
local/zsh-history-substring-search 1.0.2-1
ZSH port of Fish history search (up arrow)
local/zsh-syntax-highlighting 0.7.1-1
Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh
local/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k 1.15.0+66+g3e515a7-1
Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh. It emphasizes speed, flexibility and out-of-the-box experience.
для сравнения
после выход-перезагрузку сеанса делали?