Удалил ядро
mount:/sys/firmware/efi/efivars: unknown filesystem type 'efivarfs'
[failed] filed to start Load Kernel modules/
[failed] Failed to mount /boot/efi.
[depend] dependency filed for local file systems.
You are in emergency mode. After logging in type «journal ctl -xb» to view system logs,«systemctl reboot» to reboot, «systemctl default» or «exit» to boot into deafult mode
Cannot open acess to console, the root accaunt is locked.
Press enter to continue.
[failed] filed to start Load Kernel modules/
[failed] Failed to mount /boot/efi.
[depend] dependency filed for local file systems.
You are in emergency mode. After logging in type «journal ctl -xb» to view system logs,«systemctl reboot» to reboot, «systemctl default» or «exit» to boot into deafult mode
Cannot open acess to console, the root accaunt is locked.
Press enter to continue.
3 комментария
Заодно и остальные глюки исправятся :)
но всё индивидуально, и если сам не докапаешь, то лучше переустановить, правильно понимаю?